Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Crest Whitestrips


Šodien nolēmu padalīties savā pieredzē ar zobu balināšanas produktiem - Crest whitestrips.

Šobrīd izmēģinu Crest Whitestrips 2-Hour Express. Varat palasīt par šo produktu ŠEIT
Esmu izmēģinājusi arī Crest Whitestrips Classic un Crest Whitestrips Professional Effects (ŠEIT). 

Crest Whitestrips Classic esmu lietojusi kaut kad ļoti senā pagātnē, pat nezinu, vai viņus vispār vēl pārdod. Balināšanas efekts bija normāls, tomēr man nepatika, ka viņus bija bieži jāliek un nebija Advanced seal tehnoloģija, līdz ar to viņi šļūca uz visām pusēm...

Crest Whitestrips Professional Effects biju izmēģinājusi kādu gadu (vai divus) atpakaļ. Un šie man ļoti patika, jo Advanced seal tehnoloģija padarīja zobu balināšanu bezrūpīgu un patīkamāku, jo plāksnītes cieši turējās pie zobiem un nekur neslīdēja. Professional Effects jālieto 1x dienā uz 30 min. Nav tik traki.. Zobu jutīgums bija manāms pirmajās dienās, bet pēc tam mazinājās. Nevaru teikt, ka es redzēju rezultātus pēc 14 dienām, bet pēc 20 dienām bija manāmi baltāki zobi.

Crest Whitestrips 2-Hour Express esmu lietojusi 2 reizes (it kā ir paredzēts lietot 4 paciņas gada laikā). Izvēlējos izmēģināt tieši šos, jo šķita, ka 2 stundas pasēdēt ar zobu balināšanas plāksnītēm ik pa 3 mēnešiem taču ir easy. Šim produktam arī ir Advanced seal, tāpēc pa šīm 2 stundām viņi nekur nepazūd, kas ir labi, beeet pēc otrās balināšanas reizes (ar apmēram 2 mēnešu intervālu) nav manāmi īpaši rezultāti. Cerēju, ka ietaupīšu laiku, un nebūs jāmokās 20 dienas liekot tos katru vakaru kā ar citiem Crest Whitestrips, bet beigās palieku bez rezultātiem (tikai ar 2 dienu ilgām zobu sāpēm).

Secinājumi: Laikam būs jāatgriežas pie vecajiem labajiem Crest Whitestrips, piemēram, Professional Effects.. Neiesaku 2-Hour Express, ja nepieciešams dramatisks balināšanas efekts (laikam neiesaku arī vispār, vismaz man no 2x lietošanas nebija nekādas jēgas). 

Ja Jums ir kādi jautājumi par Crest Whitestrips, droši rakstiet komentāros. ;)



Today I decided to write about teeth whitening products - Crest Whitestrips.

At the moment, I'm testing out Crest Whitestrips 2-Hour Express. You can read about it HERE. Also I've tried Crest Whitestrips Classic and Crest Whitestrips Professional Effects (HERE).

Crest Whitestrips Classic I used a long time ago, I don't even know whether they're still in the market. The results were OK, but I didn't like that I had to use them very often and they didn't have Advanced seal technology, so they moved around in my mouth...

Crest Whitestrips Professional Effects I tried them one (or two) years back. And I really liked these ones. Advanced seal technology made tooth whitening carefree and easy, because the strips didn't move around. You need to apply them only once a day for 30 min. That's not so bad.. My teeth were a bit sensitive in the first days, but later it diminished. I didn't quite see the results in 14 days, but they were noticeably whiter after 20 days or so.

Crest Whitestrips 2-Hour Express I've used them 2 times (4 packages (8 strips) should last for a year). I decided to try these, because I thought that sitting with whitestrips once in 3 months for 2 hours is nothing compared to regular whitestrips. This also has Advanced seal, which is good, because it doesn't budge in 2 hours, but after the second application (with 2 month interval) I don't see any noticeable results. I thought that I would save time using these strips instead of regular whitestrips (the ones you should use for 20 days), but at the end I'm left without results (only teeth ache for 2 days).

Conclusion: Well, I guess I'll return to the regular Crest Whitestrips like Professional Effects. I don't recommend Crest 2-Hour Express whitestrips if you are looking for dramatic results (or I don't even recommend them at all, at least I had no major results after 2 applications).

If you have any questions about Crest Whitestrips, feel free to comment. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Really crest whitestrips is best product for Teeth Polishing.....Thank you for sharing a nice article....Crest Whitestrips
